Wednesday's Whispers: The Word On the Street - November 2008

Congratulations to all!  Thanks for your emails and alerts.  If you've got a change or know of a promotion, keep dropping me a line!
Bruce Cameron is now President of CDC Software. The former executive vice president of worldwide sales and marketing was promoted from within.  He now reports to Peter Yip, CEO of parent company CDC Corp.
Jocelyn Eisenberg has started her own analyst relations firm at Eisenberg Analyst Relations Services.
Garland Hall has been appointed SVP of Product Support at Deltek.  Garland joins Deltek as of October 6th and brings experiences from EnterpriseDB, Composite Software, and webMethods.  As a direct report to Kevin Parker, Garland will manage the global customer support operations.
Klaus Kreplin, the head of SAP's NetWeaver Product and Technology Unit retired from SAP in October.
Allen Lovett joins Compiere as EVP of Field Operations. Allen will drive go-to-market strategy for global expansion in sales and professional services.  Lovett comes from senior experiences at Sawis Communications, Oracle, Siebel Systems, and Upshot.
John Papandrea joins SAP as a SVP of the Healthcare IBU from Deloitte.
Hannah Smalltree became Editorial Director, Enterprise Applications Media Group at TechTarget in July 2008.
Sergio Segal became a consultant in Competitive Intelligence at SuccessFactors in June 2008.
Borys Stokalski, VP at Infovide-Matrix has become President, Mazovian Chapter at PTI (Polish Information Processing Society) in October.
Michael Van der Breggen has been promoted from Operations Director to Vice President at Atos Origin.  He will lead the company's ERP services in North America as of October 29th.
Ben Wan became Board of Advisor at Motally in August 2008.
*Updated Nov 10th*
John Wookey joins SAP leading on Demand initiatives for the Enterprise.  He starts November 10th in Palo Alto, CA.  John formerly ran Oracle's Fusion Application initiative and left Oracle October 2007.
Got a scoop or something to share? Please post or send on to and we'll keep your anonymity.

  1. Healthcare Information Systems are still all the buzz.  The VC's I'm talking to hint that a big name like a McKesson, Cerner, Epic, or Medi-tech may make the move or be the target.  One could even expect the acquirer to be a Big 4 vendor.
  2. SaaS Integration vendors may be the next big area for M&A.  As customers struggle for seamless hybrid integration, vendors are looking for the best integration tools.

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