Event Report: Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference 2010

Microsoft Continues To Embrace The Cloud And Hopes Its Partners Jump In
Microsoft kicked off arguably one of the best WPC's in history at the Washington, DC, Convention Center.  From tremendous networking opportunities to keynotes from Bill Clinton, the time was well spent despite the scorching summer heat. As expected, the key theme was Cloud, Cloud, Cloud; and Azure, Azure, Azure.  In a quick and unscientific survey of 62 Microsoft Partners, only 11 truly understood how they would adopt Azure. More importantly, only 5 out of the 11 partners who understood Azure could figure out a viable revenue model.  The inability to come up with a viable business model on Azure could quickly become Microsoft's Achilles heel in gaining market adoption.
A photo collage of the event can be seen below (see Figure 1):
Figure 1. Microsoft WPC 2010 Flickr Feed

Source:Copyright © 2010 R Wang and Insider Associates, LLC. All rights reserved.

The Bottom Line For Buyers (Clients) - Expect Azure Solutions To Take Some Time To Mature

Microsoft delivers its solutions via an indirect selling model - partner ecosystems.  Adoption of technologies by Microsoft's partners will determine what key features will be delivered to customers.  Given that Microsoft just began marketing Azure and the Cloud to partners, and partners must determine an appropriate business model, customers can expect a trickle of solutions in the next 12 months.  The majority of partners must find the right business model and this could take the next 2 to 3 years to come to fruition.
Your POV
Microsoft customers, what’s your view on SaaS vs Cloud and Azure?  Ready to embrace Azure as a deployment option from your partners?  Are you looking at private, public, or hybrid cloud options?  Add your comments to the discussion or send on to rwang0 at gmail dot com or r at softwaresinsider dot org and we’ll keep your anonymity.
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Copyright © 2010 R Wang and Insider Associates, LLC. All rights reserved.