Personal Log: Altimeter Group's One Year Anniversary - Thank You!

Thank You To Our Clients, Peers, Alliance Partners, Readers, Friends, And Followers

One year ago today, Charlene, Deb, Jeremiah, and I announced the transformation of Altimeter Group from a single analyst firm to a partner model.  As the founding partners, we set course on four areas of focus: Innovation, Customer, Leadership, and Enterprise.  Our goal -- advise our clients on how to adopt and navigate the chaotic world of emerging and disruptive technologies.
Despite starting in the midst of an epic recession, we each brought with us a precious handful of clients who believed in us, our work, and our ability to advise them.  Our VP of Business Development and Sales, David Stanley, took a chance on us without a salary.  Our friends at V3, helped us navigate the crazy world of PO's and procurement organizations. Over the first 3 months, we built our firm one client at a time.  With continual trust and encouragement, our clients drove our growth in 2009.
Based on our original strategy and strong input from our clients, we added Alan Webber, Lora Cecere, Michael Gartenberg, and Marcia Conner to our founding year partner roster.  They expanded our coverage to include public sector, supply chain strategies, mobile and personal technologies, and enterprise 2.0 collaboration.  Along the way, we added nine extraordinary founding year staff members in sales, research, consulting, and in our back office.  We moved from the original Hangar to the current Hangar 2.0 to account for the growth.
It's been quite a ride in a year and I can not say this enough, "Thank you to our 100+ clients!  Thank you to our peers, alliance partners, readers, friends and followers!  Without you, we wouldn't be here today!"

What's Next?

The confluence of media, research firms, think tanks, and expert networks continue to blur the line and create new models.  From day one, we saw opportunities to change the existing pay wall-based analyst firm models.  We put our best research on our blogs.  We collaborated with other thought leaders and influencers.  We spent time building programs with our clients to focus on both high touch and high scale advisory work.
In our next year, you can expect us to continue to evolve around our client needs.  We must always innovate to find new ways to best serve our clients.   We will keep crafting strategies to unleash business value in the next set of emerging technologies.  We will always to take a holistic approach.  And most importantly, we will remain humbled by the brilliance of the talent, technologies, and relationships that surround us.
Your POV.
Your comments about how we work, what we should look into next, and how we can improve are always welcomed.  Please post your comments here or send on to rwang0 at gmail dot com or r at softwaresinsider dot org and we’ll keep your anonymity.
Related blog posts:
20100827  Altimeter Blog - Charlene Li "Altimeter's One Year Anniversary"
20090827  A Software Insider's Point of View - R "Ray" Wang "Personal Log: Altimeter Group – Helping Organizations Bridge The Technology Obsolescence Gap"
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