Vendor Events: 10 Oracle Open World Tips For #OOW10

Put These Tips To Work And Have A Great Oracle Open World
Oracle Open World is on the list of enterprise Grand Slam must attend tech events.  This year rolls in the JavaOne and the Sun folks into one big tent.  Expect up to 70,000 attendees, support staff, and partners in full force. Here are 10 tips to make it easier as you navigate through the sea of people:

  1. Register at participating hotels to avoid the big registration lines at Moscone Center
  2. Use the tunnel between Moscone North and South to move around the convention centers.  Beats taking an escalator up and around and back down
  3. Bring/buy a light extension cord/power strip.  There is never enough power outlets at Moscone, so use this time to make a friend and open up some slots
  4. Don't miss the Sunday Keynote!  This is where the big news on Oracle Fusion Apps will be released and set the stage for other big announcements
  5. Bring a light jacket for the night. It fogs over and gets cold and you will need one for the party!
  6. Don't count on Moscone's Wifi.  They enhance it but you will find it very sluggish.  Bring a mifi card and make sure it's Sprint or Verizon.
  7. Want to crash the big partner parties?  Wear a sports jacket? Why? It makes you look official.
  8. Worried about the long lines for bathrooms.  Use the hotels.  Intercontinental, Marriott, St. Regis, or W Hotel are close by as well as Yerba Buena Garens
  9. Book your restaurant reservations early.  Can't find a slot.  Leverage your hotel concierge.
  10. Come to the Oracle Open World Preview Event. And hear the Future of Enterprise Software and Oracle, The End User's Point of View, and Oracle Optimization.
  • Inhi Cho  - Vice President Product Strategy - IBM Software Group
  • Dennis Howlett - Market Influencer and Blogger - ZD Net
  • Debra Lilley - Vice President -UK Oracle User's Group
  • Vinnie Mirchandani - Deal Architect - Author of The New Polymath
  • Seth Ravin - CEO - Rimini Street
  • Frank Scavo - President - Strativa
  • Floyd Teter - Vice President - Oracle Applications Users Group
  • Thomas Wailgum - Journalist - CIO Magazine

You must register to attend!  Password is Insider.  First come first serve! 50 slots left.

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