Research Summary: Software Insider's Top 25 Posts For 2010

Themes In 2010 Reflected The Buy Side Demand For Both Optimization and Innovation
Technology buyers in 2010 focused most of their priorities on finding cost savings through legacy optimization, navigating a flurry of disruptive technologies, and designing/experimenting with new business model innovations.  Consequently, the top 25 posts for 2010 reflected these 3 major themes:

Legacy Optimization

Disruptive Technology

Business Innovation

Thank You For A Great 2010
By all counts, faithful followers of this blog drove tremendous growth.  In 100 posts for 2010, this blog generated (see Figure 1):

  • 1.434 M sessions
  • 4.282 M page views
  • 8.454 M hits

Your support is greatly appreciated.  Please keep the comments and ideas coming!
Figure 1.  A Software Insider's Point of View Expanded Reach In 2010

Your Point Of View (POV)
What would you like to hear more about in 2011?  Are there research topics and agenda items that should be covered?  Any disruptive technologies on your agenda that are more important in 2011?

Please post or send on to rwang0 at gmail dot com or r at softwareinsider dot org and we’ll keep your anonymity.  Further, let us know if you need help with your next gen apps strategy, overall apps strategy, and contract negotiations projects.  Here’s how we can help:
  • Assessing SaaS and cloud options
  • Evaluating Cloud integration strategies
  • Designing a next gen apps strategy with cloud in mind
  • Providing contract negotiations and software licensing support
  • Demystifying software licensing
  • Assisting with legacy ERP migration
  • Planning upgrades and migration
  • Performing vendor selection
  • Renegotiating maintenance

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Although we work closely with many mega software vendors, we want you to trust us.  A full disclosure listing will be provided soon on the Constellation Research site.
Copyright © 2010 R Wang and Insider Associates, LLC. All rights reserved.